La Festa Della Donna ~ March 8, 2012

La festa della donna (Women’s Day) takes place on March 8th every year.  It’s a day to celebrate and appreciate all the incredible, strong and sensational women in our lives.  In Italy, the most popular gift for women on this special day is the Mimosa flower. It is a beautiful bright yellow flower that begins to bloom in the early part of March.  However, just like many other holidays, the gifts have evolved to include sweets, perfume, and other types of gifts.

I am blessed to be surrounded by many fabulous women who teach me things every day.  They have and continue to play an important role in my life as I continue to grow and become the woman I strive to be.

This year, I want to say “Auguri a tutte le donne del mondo!” especially my mom and my sister; two of the most important women in my life!

  1. Sue Northart

    March 8, 2012 at 9:01 pm

    Thank-you to all the women in my life who are my anchor.

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