La Fiera di San Giuseppe 2018

The Fiera di San Giuseppe kicked off last Thursday.  Schools in Cosenza have been closed, traffic has been a bit nuts, but who cares!

The Fiera di San Giuseppe is one of the oldest and most important traditions, not just for the city of Cosenza, but for the many neighbouring towns and villages that surround it.

This huge outdoor market goes back to 1234 when it was first established by Frederick II of Swabia. If you are interested in finding out more about the history of the fair, check out my Guide to the Fiera di San Giuseppe!

Fiera di San Giuseppe

Back in 2012, the mayor of Cosenza moved the location of the Fiera from Old Cosenza to Viale Giacomo Mancini also known as Viale Parco (the locals still call the street by its old name). This allowed for the Fiera to grow immensely.

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

However, this will be the last year that the Fiera will take place here as work is set to begin to develop this area into large park complete with gardens, an outdoor gym and an above-ground light Metro. (Article in Italian)

But, let’s not look too far into the future!  Today is the last day of the Fiera, it also happens to be the Festa di San Giuseppe (Buon Onomastico to all those who celebrate their Saint day today!) as well as Father’s Day in Italy (Auguri a tutti i papà!).

And although March is always a little unpredictable here and the weather forecast wasn’t looking great leading up to the Fiera, it’s been sunny and the thunderstorms that were predicted seemed to have disappeared making for a wonderful experience.

On Friday afternoon, I decided to take advantage of the nice day to take a walk around the Fiera to admire all the interesting things that you can find there.

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

And of course, I had to buy some arachidi camamellate (caramelized peanuts).

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

Fiera diSan Giuseppe Cosenza

It’s become a sort of tradition for me to buy them – I simply can’t resist the smell of them as I’m walking around. It’s literally impossible to NOT buy them!!

Do you have an outdoor fair where you live? What do you enjoy most about it? I’d love to know, so share your comments below!

  1. Grazia Ietto Gillies

    March 20, 2018 at 10:15 am

    Lovely photos. I live in Dulwich, South East london and during the summer there are several outdoor and indoor fairs. They are organized by a variety of trade people often with the collaboration of local schools – sometimes private schools – who offer the premises. There is a tradition of prestigious private schools in the area. They were originally established by a legacy for the education of poor boys left by Edward Alleyn the lead actor in Marlowe’s plays. The legacy still supports 3 school – one for boys – Dulwich College – one for girls -James Allen Girls School – and one co-ed – Alleyn School.

    1. LuLu

      March 21, 2018 at 8:50 am

      Thank you! I adore outdoor fairs, especially in the Spring when the weather is just perfect to wander about and admire the artisan crafts. What types of products can you find? The cool thing about the Fiera di San Giuseppe is all the ethnic things you can find which aren’t so easy to come across.

  2. Melanie Marinucci

    March 19, 2018 at 7:10 pm

    This is so cool! All those plates and bags look magical. I’d buy those peanuts too!

    1. LuLu

      March 21, 2018 at 8:44 am

      It’s nice to go in the early afternoon during the week when everyone is still at work/school or at home having lunch. It’s the best way to enjoy all there is at the fair, otherwise it can get pretty nuts! It will be interesting to see where it will be held next year.

  3. Image Earth Travel

    March 19, 2018 at 2:32 pm

    Great post and photos Lulu!
    Love this fair and always manage to buy too much. Am going again tonight as it’s the last day until next year. 😉

    1. LuLu

      March 21, 2018 at 8:43 am

      It’s a shame the last evening it rained. Although I’m glad the weather held up for the most part! Did you find what you were looking for?
      It popped into my head the other day that the first time we met we walked around the fair, remember?

      1. Image Earth Travel

        March 24, 2018 at 4:29 pm

        Yes, I bought a few things. I was going to return on the last night and buy some gorgeous wine glasses but the downpour stopped me. Once cosy and warm inside, I didn’t feel like venturing out again – slack.
        Indeed I do remember walking around the fair last year. It was fun. 🙂

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