Cracking Art Invasion in Cosenza

Cracking Art has invaded Cosenza. The name of this art installation comes from the English verb “to crack” meaning to break or split. It is also the term used for the chemical reaction that breaks or “cracks” the molecular structure of raw crude oil so that it can be converted into plastic.

Five artists decided to create something that captures this idea of transitioning from natural to artificial. And so, Cracking Art was born.

cracking art cosenza

The sculptures that make up the Cracking Art have been created using recyclable plastic. The artists chose plastic because it is representative of our modern age. Plastic is very much present in our every day lives. It is also the centre of many discussions when talking about the environment.

cracking art cosenza

Some people many think it’s inappropriate to create giant plastic sculptures in a time when we are trying to cut down and eliminate plastic use. But, the idea of these sculptures is to create a discussion about the importance of recycling and it’s impact on the environment.

So, you can find these large vividly coloured animals in unsuspecting places. For example, meerkats, which are desert animals, appear to be playing in the fountains of Via Arabia. You can see different animals along the pedestrian area of Corso Mazzini catching the attention of all those that pass by.

cracking art cosenza

These types of installations are becoming more common in Cosenza, in fact, last year, dinosaurs invaded Corso Mazzini.  I haven’t snapped pics of all the sculptures just yet, but I’ve been having fun playing tourist in my own city and sharing this interesting installment with you.

The Cracking Art installation will continue to invade Cosenza unti September 15, 2019.

Have you seen the Cracking Art installment in other cities? What urban art installments have you seen and liked? Let me know in the comments below!

  1. Katia

    December 26, 2021 at 11:01 am

    La prima volta che ho conosciuto Cracking Art è stata a Mondovì in Piemonte ma ho scoperto meglio il loro mondo colorato a Triste lo scorso settembre!
    Credo sia un bel modo per conoscere le città perché questi simpaticissimi animali colorati sono distribuiti in giro per la città. E rallegrano l’umore!
    Mi piace poi la loro idea di riciclare la plastica per la creazione delle opere! Chissà in quale altra città li vedremo prossimamente …

    1. LuLu

      December 31, 2021 at 9:17 am

      Si, è molto simpatico… Da un po’ di allegria in più alla città 🤗

  2. Image Earth Travel

    July 2, 2019 at 6:12 pm

    Rome had the art show for a while also but not as many sculptures as in Cosenza I’m told.
    Back to Cosenza in a few weeks so I’ll take more photos!

    1. LuLu

      July 5, 2019 at 7:31 am

      Looking into it a bit more, I noticed they been in a number of places! 🙂 Hope you are having a good time!

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